January 12, 2011

So Proud

I couldn't be prouder....
  • All "A's" on report card
  • Excellent behavior in school
  • Excelling in gymnastics

January 7, 2011

[Friday 5]

Okay, so yes I'm just going to jump right in there like I have been here forever! We're not even going to talk about how I have bounced from typepad to blogger to typepad, and now back to blogger! We're just going to start over......So here I am, and hoping to blog a bit more this year! We'll just see how that goes. So what better way to start today's post then with a Friday 5 and since it's the New Year and everyone is focused on their goals here are mine.......

  1. Continue working out at least 3 times a week. And when I say at least 3, I do mean at least 3 times, and I say continue because I've been doing a very good job of keeping up with my workouts. I been 3 times this week already and I'm going tomorrow for a major all over body work out plus a quick 3 miles. Now just if I can get that treadmill in our house, so on those days when I just don't want to fight the crowd at the gym I could just knock out my 3 miles and be done with it! I won't even get started on talking about all the "New Years Resloustion-ers" at the gym. (that's another post)
  2. Date night. Now this is a must! No kids, and No other couple.....just the hubby and I.
  3. More Scrapping time. Creating is the one thing I could do all day long and not get tired of it, it's the perfect stress re leaser for me. So this is something I definitely want to get back to doing this year. It just makes me HAPPY, simple as that.
  4. Take more family photos. And when I say "family" I do mean the entire family. Which includes me getting in some photos......I'll add take self portraits to that as well.
  5. And one of the most important goals of 2011, for me is to find BALANCE. I struggled with this and finally realize it is something I need to change. I just want to be able to do all that is needed of me as a wife and mother, but make sure I leave time for me!!
So that leads me into my word for 2011......BALANCE!!!